Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Nursery #3

I was excited to have baby number three from the moment that I got the positive test. I can even tell you the moment that I know I was pregnant (about 5 days before the test). It is amazing that pregnancy takes 9 months and while that seems like a long time (especially the last  months) it really does go by fast. 

I knew how I wanted to decorate the nursery for my first baby even before I found out he was a boy. It was Monkeys all the way! Then when we got our surprise second baby they would be sharing a room so we pinked out the monkeys and mane it a pretty goo gender neutral room (wish I had pics!) then when we finally finished rooms in the basement. our little Fire cracker L got her own special room (for another post). 

This last time around I had no idea! But as I got to the 34 weeks mark I decided it was time to make a choice! 
I decided to do a light grey and a lavender for Girlie #2. You can see the two colors here (just after we tore out the carpet). I am in love with how much the grey lightened up the room. I was so happy to say good bye to the nasty tan walls! here is a better picture of the color with the ugly "before" carpet. Here room is very simple. I finished it with "O's" name on the walls and some cute little vinyl animals in a picture frame. I really do lover her room and feel like it fits her perfectly. It has been fun to learn each of their personalities and how they change as the grow up! I can't wait to get to know this little one and see how she grows into her personality.

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